How To Get Rid Of Elegua – The Proper Guide

Elegua is a fascinating deity from the Yoruba religion, with a complex and multifaceted nature. As the god of communication, trickery, and Crossroads, Elegua plays a vital role in many spiritual practices across the world.

How To Get Rid Of Elegua

But what happens when you need to get rid of items associated with Elegua? Many people worry about potential consequences, but fear not! In this blog post, we’ll explore how to respectfully and appropriately dispose of Elegua items while maintaining a positive relationship with this powerful deity.

So let’s dive in and learn more about Elegua and his proper disposal methods.

Read: Nature of Elegua, is he evil?

Who is Elegua? And how Does he operate?

Elegua is a deity from the Yoruba religion and it is practiced in parts of west Africa, and the Americas, particularly in Brazil, Cuba, and Trinidad and Tobago. Elegua is also known as Elegbara, Eleggua, Eshu, or Esu, depending on the cultural context and region.

In Yoruba mythology, Elegua is considered the god of communication, trickery, and Crossroads. He is often depicted as a child with an unpredictable mysterious nature. it is believed that Elegua is the messenger between the spiritual world and the human world, and his worshippers also know him to carry offerings to the gods and their ancestors.

Many traditions associate Elegua with the red color and he is most time seen wearing an article of red clothing or carrying a red staff. He is associated with the number three, and sometimes most people associate him with three different entities or aspects.

Elegua is usually approached through offerings or definitions, whichever one is used depends on the tradition or the particular situation. In Some traditions, Elegua is believed to be demanding and requires a lot of offerings and attention, while in other traditions, he’s seen as a more protective and benevolent Force.

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How to get rid of Elegua 

When trying to do away with Elegua, the first and foremost thing is to consider not doing anything that will trigger an adverse effect on your life. You may be perplexed about how to handle this situation effectively or you godparents have left you to your fate in handling the disposal of the deity.

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In deciding how to get rid of Elegua respectfully, the best course of action is to visit a Babalawo or Obatero for divinition, drop the items at the door step of your godparents, pass it on, release it to the wild, bury them, release by fire, or even consult with Elegua himself.

As with any spiritual practice, it is important to show respect and reverence to Elegua, even in the process of getting rid of items associated with him. If you have Elegua tools or offerings that need to be disposed of, it is important to do so in a respectful and responsible manner. Here are some methods for properly disposing of Elegua items:

  1. Consult with an Elder or Priest

Before disposing of any Elegua items, it is important to consult with an elder or priest in your community. They can provide guidance and ensure that you are following the proper protocols and traditions for your specific lineage or tradition. Different lineages may have different protocols for disposing of Elegua items, so it is important to seek advice before proceeding.

  1. Pass it On

If you have Elegua items that are still in good condition and hold sentimental or spiritual value, consider passing them on to a friend or fellow practitioner. This can be a way to ensure that the item continues to be used and respected, and that it finds a new home with someone who will appreciate it.

  1. Release into the Wild

If you have Elegua items that are made from natural materials, such as wood or feathers, consider releasing them back into nature. Find a quiet spot in the woods or a body of water to leave the item, with a prayer or offering to Elegua as a sign of respect.

  1. Burial
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Another traditional method of disposing of Elegua items is through burial. Choose a remote location where the item will not be disturbed, and bury it with respect and reverence. Make sure to follow any specific protocols or traditions associated with your lineage or tradition.

  1. Release by Fire

If you have Elegua items that are made from flammable materials, such as paper or fabric, consider releasing them by fire. This can be a way to symbolically release the energy and spirit of Elegua from the item. Build a fire in a safe location, and place the item into the flames while offering a prayer or offering to Elegua.

  1. Consult with Elegua

If you are unsure of how to properly dispose of an Elegua item, consider consulting with Elegua himself. Sit with the item and call upon Elegua, asking for guidance on the proper way to dispose of it. Listen for any signs or messages that may come through in response.

Will Elegua come back to attack me?

For various reasons, some individuals may feel the need to get rid of their Elegua statue, altar, or other representations of the deity. This can be a difficult decision to make, as it may cause some followers to worry about the consequences of their actions. One common concern is whether Elegua will come back to attack them after getting rid of it.

The short answer is that Elegua is not a vengeful deity and is unlikely to come back to attack someone for disposing of his statue or other representation. However, it is important to understand the context and possible consequences of such actions.

If you do decide to get rid of your Elegua statue or altar, it is important to do so in a respectful and appropriate manner. Here are some tips on how to properly dispose of Elegua representations:

  1. Cleanse the representation: Before disposing of the statue or altar, it is recommended to cleanse it by washing it with water or smudging it with sage or other cleansing herbs. This can help remove any negative energy and ensure that the representation is treated with respect.
  2. Make a farewell offering: Offerings such as fruit, tobacco, or alcohol can be left as a farewell gesture to Elegua. This can be done as a way of showing respect and gratitude for the blessings and protection Elegua has provided.
  3. Choose an appropriate disposal method from the ones stated above: Depending on the individual’s beliefs and traditions, there may be specific guidelines for disposing of Elegua representations. Some may recommend burying the representation in a specific location, while others may suggest burning it or throwing it into a body of water.
  4. Seek guidance from a spiritual advisor: If you are unsure about the appropriate way to dispose of your Elegua representation, it may be helpful to seek guidance from a trusted spiritual advisor or elder within your tradition. They can provide
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Final Thoughts 

Elegua is a revered deity in the Yoruba religion, and it is important to show respect and reverence when dealing with items associated with him. If you find yourself in a situation where you are asking how to get rid of elegua items, it is essential to do so respectfully and appropriately.

Seeking guidance from an elder or priest within your community can be helpful, as well as considering passing items on to a friend, releasing them into nature, burying them, or releasing them by fire.

While some may worry about potential consequences for disposing of Elegua representations, it is important to understand that Elegua is not a vengeful deity and is unlikely to come back to attack someone for disposing of his statue or other representation.

By showing respect and following proper protocols, you can effectively dispose of Elegua items while maintaining a positive relationship with this powerful and influential deity.