Biblical Meaning Of Sheep In Dream

Sheep have a personality that they are popular for; they are easy to control which depicts a sense of selflessness, but there’s lots more to these lovely animals when you see them in the dream.

Biblical Meaning Of Sheep In Dream

The biblical meaning of sheep in dream symbolizes the need to be humble or the need not to be too selfless, peace in your life, wealth, fertility, sacrifice, and the need to have a plan for your life at all times.

This article will aid you to interpret your dreams by providing as many scenarios as possible and what the sheep could mean in those scenarios according to the Bible.

Biblical meaning of sheep in dream


Being humble and ready to listen to God is the primary message of the biblical meaning of sheep in dream. In absence of humility, you will miss the will and plan for God for your life, and it’s a big disaster not to live in accordance with God’s will.

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.”

The part of God making your path straight– highlights how fruitful and productive your life will be as soon as you yield to God’s direction. You won’t have to struggle to get things right anymore, since you’re doing what He wants for your life.

This humility extends beyond your relationship with God, you should also apply it to the relationship with people around you. You should be ready to listen to corrections and constructive criticism, as this will make you a better person.

But being humble doesn’t mean you should make yourself a foot match for people. Human beings are fond of overusing a nice person. So, be humble but not foolish!


Seeing white sheep in your dream points to the need for you to be at peace with all men. The lack of peace will take a toll on both you and whosoever you’re loggerheads with, as you have to constantly think about the evil they have done to you or the evil you intend to do to them. Which will take up the time you should have used in fellowshipping with God.

Isaiah 43:18-19 King James Version (KJV)
Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

The biblical meaning of sheep in dream also highlights the need for you to make peace with your past. It’s time to stop beating yourself over things you didn’t do right or over things you wished you had done. Dwelling in the past will prevent you from advancing and experiencing what God has kept ahead of and for you.

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The biblical meaning of sheep in dream portends the need to temporarily give up things you consider as comfort,  in order to achieve the harvest that is before you.

Seeing sheep in the dream also points to the need for you to sacrifice an animal for God. Most of us have moved on to the new testament, forgetting that there is no future without a past. These practices may be deemed satanic or demonic, but it’s a lie! It’s intent that determines what the act will stand as.

In situations when you want to experience a huge financial breakthrough, take from the first money you get for that month and buy a sheep or chicken and slit the throat and let the blood touch the ground–tell God it’s for him and watch what happens thereafter.


Seeing a herd of sheep in your dreams shows you will make wealth, but through investments, and not by praying and sitting idle all day. Most prophesies or dreams don’t come through because they require an action to be taken before they manifest.

Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks during these periods as your time for the financial explosion has emerged. What you would have struggled to get working will come easy to you after having this dream.

The need to have a plan 

The biblical meaning of sheep in dream symbolizes the need for your life to have a direction and for you to generally have plans for everything you’re doing.

Even though we could have plans, God decides what happens, but the lack of planning will make you do things in a  disorderly manner, and you’ve been troubled and praying, and now God is saying through the dream of seeing a lost sheep, that you should start planning as it will remove indecision and confusion from your life.

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New beginnings and growth are what the Dream of Sheep portends. You’re about to embark on a new fruitful journey that will bring lots of laughter and happiness to your face. Be careful who you mix with during this period so as not to neutralize the new aura of fertility in all your endeavors.

The biblical meaning of sheep in dream literally could mean that you will conceive soon. If you get to see a sheep giving birth or a pregnant sheep, you will conceive in your waking life irrespective of any difficulty you’re facing or you may have faced trying to conceive prior to the dream.

Biblical meaning of herd of sheep in dream 

The biblical meaning of herd of sheep portends that you will be successful in your business endeavors. This flock of sheep in the dream also denotes that you will become the decision-maker in any establishment you find yourself in; so, if you’re not amongst the top decision-makers, expect a promotion that will elevate your status.

This dream also reflects the emotions of a person or people around you; when you see a flock of white sheep, it shows that people love you or someone is harboring feelings for you.

seeing a herd of sheep in the dream also denote the quality of a leader in you, if you’re not already exhibiting it, you should be aware that you’re made to rule and conquer your world, so don’t let that complex make you shy away from your destiny.

Biblical meaning of white sheep in dream 

The biblical meaning of white sheep in dream portends purity. You need to possess a pure heart toward the people that care for you, and you should never find yourself conceiving an evil plan to be of obstruct of any sort to anyone’s progress, happiness, or well-being.

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Seeing white sheep in the dream is also a call for you to invest more effort in your spiritual growth. When you grow spiritually, you escape all the plans of the evil ones for your life, as you will be constantly fellowshipping with God and he will keep revealing The devilish plans of the enemies to you.

Biblical meaning of black sheep in dream 

If you see black sheep in your dream, you should be wary of unfriendly friends who are just around you, waiting for the slightest opportunity they could use and ruin your life. These friends are usually jealous of an asset or a characteristic you poses that they don’t have or find hard to cope with.

These unfriendly friends may usually always want to make things seem like you’re in competition with them at every slightest event. Keep your secrets or thing that are precious to you from everybody. Don’t be too free-spirited or it can lead to premature abortion of your happiness.

Biblical meaning of killing a sheep in the dream 

The biblical meaning of killing a sheep in the dream refers to the need for you to become more sacrificial with your time to God. Spend time in his presence and learn about him from him. Spend time and worship and praise Him for the great battles He has won for you.


The Biblical meaning of sheep in dream depicts how we should humble ourselves to the divine mercy and direction of God so our way can be straight. It also points to wealth, fertility, and The need for us to sacrifice both our time and substance to God.

With each dream we have, despite how abstract it may seem, God is always trying to deliver a message to you and if you can follow his signs, you will be free from the devices of the evil ones. Do you have anything to say? let us hear your thoughts in the comment area.